Regulasi Perlindungan Data Pribadi: Tinjauan Komparatif Indonesia dan Korea Selatan
Regulasi Perlindungan Data Pribadi: Tinjauan Komparatif Indonesia dan Korea Selatan


Data Protection Regulation
South Korea
Legal Framework



This article discusses the comparison between personal data protection regulations in Indonesia and South Korea. Along with the increasing digitization and use of information technology, personal data protection has become a crucial issue that needs to be considered by every country. This research analyzes the legal framework, policies, and implementation of personal data protection regulations in both countries, as well as identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each system. The research method used is a literature study with a comparative approach. Data was collected from various sources, such as laws, regulations, scientific articles, and news. The results show that there are some significant differences in personal data protection regulations in the two countries. In Indonesia, personal data protection regulations have only begun to receive serious attention with the passing of the Personal Data Protection Law in 2022. Meanwhile, South Korea already has a more mature and comprehensive regulation through the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) implemented since 2011. This study finds that although Indonesia is still in the early stages of implementation, there is great potential to develop an effective personal data protection system by learning from South Korea's experience. The results of this study are expected to provide insights and recommendations for policymakers, researchers, and legal practitioners in developing better personal data protection regulations in the future.

Regulasi Perlindungan Data Pribadi: Tinjauan Komparatif Indonesia dan Korea Selatan