Dinamika Kejahatan Transnasional Terorganisir: Studi Kasus TRIAD di China


The evolution and operations of the TRIAD criminal organization in China have significant implications for global society. Initially emerging as a secret society in the 19th century aimed at overthrowing the Qing Dynasty, the TRIAD evolved into a criminal entity involved in gambling, prostitution, and drug trafficking. With globalization and political-economic changes, the TRIAD expanded its reach internationally, operating in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South Africa. Their illegal activities include narcotics trafficking, human trafficking, product counterfeiting, financial fraud, and operating illegal gambling and prostitution networks. This study employs a qualitative- descriptive method, utilizing secondary data sources like news, official reports, and journal articles, analyzed through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion techniques. The TRIAD’s crimes severely impact local economies, environmental stability, and social order. Utilizing modern technology, they adapt to evade law enforcement, making eradication efforts complex. Applying Copenhagen School's securitization theory, this study identifies TRIAD activities as existential threats necessitating urgent security responses. The study concludes that combating the TRIAD requires multifaced approaches, including enhanced international coooperation, effective law enforcement, and social intervention programs to prevent new recruitments, aiming for a comprehensive solution to this serious threat.

Aisyah Mawar Octavia, Muhammad Rhenaldy Ferdiansyah, Nur Ainal Haqqa - Dinamika Kejahatan Transnasional Terorganisir: Studi Kasus TRIAD di China.pdf