Tanggapan Negara-Negara di Samudra Pasifik terhadap Pelepasan Air Limbah Fukushima


The Fukushima wastewater release has been a problem for several countries. This is due to the presence of a radioactive element of hydrogen called tritium. The various causes of the release of nuclear wastewater have made the people of not only Japan, but other countries feel uneasy as well. Although it has been approved by the IAEA, which is known as the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field, in fact the implementation of this nuclear wastewater release is also opposed by the National Marine Laboratory Association based in the United States. The Japanese government continues to get protests from activists and people in neighboring countries such as China, South Korea and North Korea. So Greenpeace also showed their disappointment with the decision made by the Japanese government.

Keilani Kekona Situmorang - Tanggapan Negara-Negara di Samudra Pasifik terhadap Pelepasan Air Limbah Fukushima