Forum R20 : Upaya Indonesia Mewujudkan Perdamaian Dunia Melalui Agama
Asrudin Azwar & Mirza Jaka Suryana - Forum R20 : Upaya Indonesia Mewujudkan Perdamaian Dunia Melalui Agama


R20 Forum
World Peace
Religion and Interfaith Dialogue
Interfaith Cooperation
G20 Engagement Group
Religion-Based Violence
Religion Peace Theory
G20 Presidency Indonesia 2022


This article explores the role of the Religion Twenty Forum (R20) in realizing world peae through a religious approach. Initiated by the General Chairman of PBNU, Yahya Cholil Staquf and Sheikh Abdurrahman al-Khayyat, the forum aims to facilitate interfaith dialogue to address global issues involving religion. With 388 participants from 32 countries. R20 seeks to address interfaith onflits openly, presenting honest perspectives from various religious leaders. Through the participation of leaders from religion, politics, and economics of G20 Member States, the forum aims to prevent the use of identity as a weapon, limit the spread of communal hatred, and promote solidarity among diverse cultures. R20 has been recognized as an Engagement Group of the G20 Indonesia 2022 Presidency, with plans to continue in various countries. This research attemps to answer the question of the solutions that R20 can provide through religion to achieve world peace, detailing the issues of religious problems and designing a theoretical framework as the basis for concrete steps forward.

Asrudin Azwar & Mirza Jaka Suryana - Forum R20 : Upaya Indonesia Mewujudkan Perdamaian Dunia Melalui Agama