Kerja Sama Trilateral Korea Selatan-Amerika Serikat-Jepang sebagai Strategi Mengatasi Ancaman Korea Utara
Kerja Sama Trilateral Korea Selatan-Amerika Serikat-Jepang sebagai Strategi Mengatasi Ancaman Korea Utara


Offensive Realism
South Korea
United States of America


Conflicts between countries always occur in the international world. One of the unresolved interstate conflicts is the conflict between South Korea and North Korea. South Korea and North Korea have been in conflict since they were divided into two countries. Tensions continue with the Korean War and all actions that are considered threatening to each other. North Korea is developing nuclear weapons and missiles to conduct successful tests that threaten the security of South Korea and surrounding countries. Many attempts have been made by countries around North Korea to stop its actions but to no avail. To maintain the security of its country, South Korea pursued a policy of trilateral cooperation related to security and defense with the United States and Japan as a strategy to overcome North Korea's aggressiveness. In this case, the author analyzes the strategy of South Korea in its trilateral cooperation to overcome the threat from North Korea based on the theory of offensive realism. This paper is also compiled using qualitative methods that focus on the phenomena discussed.

Kerja Sama Trilateral Korea Selatan-Amerika Serikat-Jepang sebagai Strategi Mengatasi Ancaman Korea Utara