Krisis Populasi Jepang dan Implikasinya terhadap Kerjasama Indonesia-Jepang dalam Sektor Ketenagakerjaan


Japan is currently experiencing a population crisis, as evidenced by the decreasing number of its inhabitants. This issue arises from the declining rates of marriage and childbirth in Japanese society. The impact of this condition is a reduction in the number of people in the working-age population, which highlights the need for appropriate solutions to ensure that Japan's economy does not decline and its population remains within a safe range. This research examines how Indonesia views the opportunity for cooperation with Japan in the employment sector amid Japan's population crisis. The study uses international cooperation theory. It finds that the cooperation between the two countries has a positive impact in meeting their respective national interests. The influx of Indonesian migrant workers into Japan boosts Japan's economy and, for Indonesia, it enhances the country's visa opportunities.

Krisis Populasi Jepang dan Implikasinya terhadap Kerjasama Indonesia-Jepang dalam Sektor Ketenagakerjaan